Montag, 28. Januar 2013

Strap yourself to a beautiful stranger...

21. 01. 2013
4:00 pm
Arrived in Wanaka. Sun is burning hot, no clouds dot the sky. It's seriously pretty around here...the heat and beauty of the place might just get to our heads and make us do stupid things. Better get some shade in the visitor centre over there.
4:30 pm
Did that shade come a little late or was booking a skydive for tomorrow morning just a dream? Wait a minute...what just happened?
5:30 pm
The lakeside camp we're staying at tonight helps us clear our heads. Whoever is brave enough to go for a swim in these waters will easily throw himself out of a perfectly good aircraft tomorrow. Wow that's really cold...but no way back now, you chicken!
6:00 pm
Defeated the lake and our own bodies. Our arms and legs might still hurt a little but all doubt about tomorrow is gone. Can't wait!
11:00 pm
The beautiful clear southern night sky looks pretty inviting. This is gonna be great!

9:00 am
All is well, we are excited and looking forward to some fun. Where is the breakfast?
10:00 am
Checking out right on time always makes us feel good. So happy we could sing a joyful song. The sun is shining, the sky is blue...wait, what is that? Is that a skydiving plane? What is it doing going further up? Why is it getting so small so quickly? And why did we eat such a big breakfast again? Kidding, that looks like a great ride up there. Can't wait to do it ourselves.
10:30 am
Checked in at the skydive base. Signed all papers that tell us that this really is our own fault. Now supposed to wait until it's our turn. Maybe some fresh air would be good now, better wait outside...Let's build up some tension and watch the next group go up.
10:40 am
Holy cracker, that little plane goes up high. Sh...
10:50 am
It's still going up higher? Why would it want to go up higher? Sh, sh, sh.
11:00 am
Is that someone jumping out of that plane up there? What do you mean 'It's too far up to see?'. Wait, what? That's only 12000 ft? Sh, sh, sh.
11:05 am
They're calling us in. I might die of a heart attack before we even leave the ground...but that would mean I would miss out on skydiving...Trapped between excitement and anxiety.
11:15 am
Haha, we look ridiculous in our jumpsuits. That's a relieve. Hey, hi. You're my jump master? Well, hi there, stranger! Please take good care of me and...wait, what? We're getting on the plane already? Shouldn't you check, I mean, or, aaahm, okay, wait, what do I do now? Why am I on the plane? I don't know if,....wait, why are we moving? Ooooh no...
11:20 am
Up we go. Now you're checking, okay, alright. Everyone is so busy, that's good, right? Checking here, checking there. When will I be strapped to you? Maybe we should do that now, just in case? No? Too early? Well, okay, I just thought... What do you mean, 'Stop thinking'?
11:25 am
Okay guys, I know, playing with the nervous customer is what you do, but would you please stop it? Your jokes don't really make anyone laugh right now. Haha. That's just being polite, laughing at the jokes of the strange man I will jump out of this plane with...oh wait, that one was actually good...
11:30 am
This takes forever...are we there yet?! What is that,! There they are! I can finally see the Alps. There's Mount Cook, and there, that's Mount Aspiring...that's magnificent! And look, down there, the Queenstown lakes! This is just breathtaking!
11:35 am
Still staring out of the window in awe. Oh, what's that? My oxygen mask? Are we that high up already? I didn't realize, I am captivated by the scenery out there. Oh, now I can hear my breathing. It's so calm. Everyone is silent now. That's nice.
11:40 am
Okay, there goes the calm. Just passed 12000 ft and the two pairs that were in front of me left the plane with little more than a scream. Does that mean I have to go first when we reach 15000 ft?
11:45 am
This takes forever. Could we just get there and get this over with?
11:50 am
Oooh, the door opens. This is my exit. Holy moly we're up high. Being strapped to my jump master makes moving to the door really funny. Can't we just do that a little while longer? Woops, no, there go my legs. Oh gosh, there goes the rest of me. Am I really just dangeling from an open plane more than 4500 meters above the ground? I think this is a good time to start some screaming...
11:51 am
Upside down world, I'm faaaalling! This is awesome! It's so fast. It's so rough. No more fear. Just joy. And freedom!
11:52 am
Ough, parachute break, stopping my 60 sec freefall at 200 Kph. I think my jump master talks to me. What? That's Mount Cook over there? Who cares, I just fell really fast and loved it and now I am gliding around and that's all too much endorphins, here I am, laughing, crying and screaming of joy all at the same time... 
11:55 am
Again, again! Dancing, laughing, feeling a little sick of too much excitement...This was unbelievably cool! Legendary!
4:00 pm
Still smiling. Arrived in Queenstown. Don't really remember how we got here. Just reliving what happened this morning.
8:00 pm
Still smiling. Discussing every second of our experience.
11:30 pm
Sleeping, dreaming of an awesome freefall, feeling the wind on our faces. And smiling.
...and after!

3 Kommentare:

  1. Ja, so wirds wohl sein.Ein Traum wird wahr.Super starke Sache.Ich bin ganz hin.Grüße PN

    1. Gruesse zurueck! Morgen geben wir den Campervan wieder ab, und dann haben wir nur noch ein paar Tage zum erholen, bevor es weiter geht, nach Australien. Lasst es euch gut gehen! AN

  2. Hallo Kiwi´s, Ihr habt es also auch gemacht - so ein Sprung ist doch der Hammer oder, bin auf das Video gespannt - Respekt !!! Viel Spaß noch und genießt die Südinsel, ist so wunderschön und herrlich friedlich dort...tolle Natur und super freundliche Leute.
    Es denken an Euch,


    ps am 04.02. feiern wir den 1. Geburtstag von Jana Marie !
