Sonntag, 28. Juli 2013

Las Islas Bonitas

Graceful Manta
The last week of our one year round-the-world-trip had come – time for vacation! And what better place to relax and enjoy than the Caribbean islands of Quintana Roo? We did what almost all the tourists do: we went to Cozumel for diving, to the Isla Mujeres for snorkeling and to Cancun for resting at the beach. We saw amazing aquatic life – from tiny seadragons to giant whalesharks and manta rays, a real highlight of the whole trip – took a roller-coaster-dive in a 6 knot current that simply blew us away, lazily walked around tourist markets and parks, swam in the crystal clear, warm Caribbean Sea, enjoyed beautiful slow sunsets over the ocean, stretched out at white sand beaches and cooled down at shady hotel pools. It felt good to just sleep in, stay in nice, private hotel rooms and take time to reflect on the last 12 months without feeling the need to do any more exploring or running from one place to the next. This calm vacation was more than welcome after all the excitement of the last couple of months and there is little more to say about it.

A gentle giant

Someone's hungry...
Tons of plankton ... and a whaleshark
The sharks are not alone...

Green Murray
Lobster buffet
Mr. Seadragon - found him?
Everyone can find their perfectly fitting home in Cozumel...

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